Power places on Gerlitzen Alpe

Places of inner strength and tranquility

For years, we have been carefully working on the design of hiking trails and special places on Gerlitzen Alpe. Under the guidance of Johannes Matthiessen (architect, landscape planner, artist, and student of J. Beuys), the creation gradually took shape. The "Jakobsleiter" as an "erection into the light space," the rock lakes with Erika Pichler's Noreia energy stairway, the "Path of Philosophers," the "Mountain Kingdom," and much more. The motto of our work: Give something back to the mountain, create healing places that benefit the mountain and nature. We understand our work as something similar to acupuncture of the landscape. A joint effort. People seemingly come by chance. Voluntarily get involved. Help out. The mountain rejoices.

Asian garden

A small rock garden in the vast universe of mountains on the western flank of Blumenalm. Designed nature - as a place of orientation, contemplation, and security.

The measure of humans for identification in the vastness and light of space. From the defined, limited place: dare to gaze into the vastness and fly - like a bird - in the mind to new horizons of your life ... and then come back to the present, to the here and now. Recognize in the details around you the greatness of the whole - in listening to the stories of the ancient stones: everything is creation - including the human. They are also CO-creators of this earth - in every moment.

This garden was designed by Johannes Matthiessen during the great earthquake in China in the summer of the 2008 Olympic Games. Out of solidarity and in memory of this earthquake of the earth, the large Chinese calligraphy stone was also carved. Its inscription comes from the great sage Laozi (Lao Tzu).

Rock lakes & Noreia Sky ladder

Like an echo to the many lakes in the valleys of Carinthia, these small rock lakes lie high up on the mountain. Water, like the human soul, is universal and can take on various forms.

Sometimes it falls, flows, streams, rests, rises again, only to fall once more - in an eternal cycle. Like an eye, it reflects the world as an image on its surface. Water is essential to us - after all, the human body consists of 70% water. For all ancient cultures, it was sacred and synonymous with life.

Here begins the Noreia Sky ladder, another power place, with its seven steps. At each step, you can sense the energies of certain alpine flowers and thus explore all the levels of your body's house. Erika Pichler designed the Sky ladder as a place of purification and strengthening. Just above the rock lakes, there is a small rock chapel - a place of silence and reflection. Not far from the rock lakes towards Feuerberg, there is a large natural playground for kids with a giant slide, zip line, treehouse, climbing wall, and more.

Mountain Kingdom

The Mountain Kingdom is the breathing organ of Gerlitzen. Here, "heaven" and earth can connect undisturbed in their up and downswing. The ground you walk on there is gentle and soft, just like the Nockberge that appear on the horizon.

The winds sweep and dance over the winding paths from stone to stone, which tell the creation story of the mountain with their ornaments: "From the depths of the earth, I have emerged, ascended to the heights, to bring back the cosmic energies to the earth - ever-changing. That is my (Gerlitzen's) task for the people and to strengthen the entire region. Do not disturb this task of mine."

Johannes Matthiessen and Rikta Schaden experienced this during their work at this special place following an encounter with the elemental forces of the mountain. Its essence was revealed in the form of a symbol that they laboriously chiseled into a mighty granite.

Steineskulpturen am Berg der Gerlitzen Alpe im Bergurlaub in Kärnten

Jacob's ladder

The 7-meter-high sculpture was created as part of the landscape acupuncture on the Gerlitzen Alpe. Made from larch wood and supported by iron, it was crafted in 2009 by Johannes Matthiessen. The Jacob's Ladder highlights the magnificent space of air and light, making it more vivid and tangible.

The power place “Jakobs Ladder” - art as a bridge between man and nature.

Space - unlimited space - spreads out over this pre-summit area. 
The plains of lakes and mountain peaks grow trembling together.
Here - in the light. High light.
A height of recognizable clarity.
In the cheerfulness of the wind, the shapes sing their song
And give themselves to the heavens - high above the surface of the day.
Universal vibration of the peaks - all around.
Transitions of the mountains into the sea of the sky - everywhere. 
And YOU?
You are there - watching - as a lighthouse in the night of our time.
Johannes Matthiessen

Celtic power place

This Celtic energy spot is located in the area around Neugarten Almsee, along the hiking trail from the Gerlitzen summit to the Neugarten Almsee Hut. To the right of the energy spot, after a small hollow, you will find a rock. Place your hands on it and stay for a few minutes at this place to absorb its energy.

Celtic power lines flow from the mountain Mirnock, one of which runs directly over Gerlitzen to Magdalensberg. In 2006, geomancer Prof. Dr. Kalb from Grafenstein was on site at the Neugarten Almsee area and discovered other special features at this location in addition to the Celtic power place. She defined the sources of power and the Almsee lake in this area as a special place of power and recreation. The power place in the Neugarten has a very close connection to the Mirnock power mountain as well as to the Kaiserburg castle on the Wöllaner Nock. This place also became famous through the visit of the Dalai Lama.

Rock chapel

This magical place is located directly above the rock lakes. Steeply rising rock faces give the place a sacred appearance. The density of the atmosphere invites you to go quietly inwards. 

Tip: A visit to this place is particularly recommended at the edge of the day, i.e. in the early morning or at dusk. Here it unfolds a special magic. 
This place was designed by two special people: Erika Pichler and Johannes Matthiessen. Both were intimately connected with nature. 

Kettle swamp with deer trough

The natural wonder of Kesseltumpf can be reached via Rilke-Platz and a forest path in Silberwald on Feuerberg. Probably the quietest and most powerful place on the whole mountain - almost a sacred site. We ask you to enter it reverently. 

Yin & Yang Place

Yin and Yang – A place of dynamic serenity and complementary contrasts
The universal opposition of qualities and forces manifests in countless combinations within all creations. Chinese philosophy interprets all phenomena as expressions of these two opposing poles and their diverse interplay. Pause for a moment and feel the contrasts in this place that points toward the distant East.

In traditional Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang represent:
feminine - masculine
shaded - sunlit
cool - warm
dry - moist
bright - dark
rough - smooth

A saying by Laotse brings these contrasts into deeper focus:
We look at it – yet do not see it.
It is invisible.
We listen to it – yet do not hear it.
It is inaudible.
We grasp at it – yet do not catch it.
It is intangible.
This threefold nature is the inseparable simplicity.
It is the impenetrable and yet the luminous.
It flows and ebbs – from All into Nothing.
The shape of the shapeless.
The appearance of the formless.
It is the flowing – the unnameable.
One moves towards it and sees no beginning.
One follows it and sees no end.
It is the eternal cycle of recurrence.

Johannes Matthiessen

Grateful for its presence

Johannes Matthiessen
Artists of the Earth

Johannes Matthiessen was one of the great landscape artists and healers of our time. After studying architecture in Munich and art with Joseph Beuys, the anthroposophist worked with children and social marginalized groups on all continents. As part of his work, he created power places and healing spaces of attention worldwide. We remember with gratitude his impact on Gerlitzen Alpe.

Winter paradise on the Gerlitzen Alpe
Discover the adventure possibilities in winter around the Feuerberg.